The Church House range of funds

We offer a series of six funds all with varying objectives making them ideal portfolio holdings or individual investments.

When Church House was first started in 1999, we used the funds as building blocks for our own private client portfolios but we have now made them available to all investment professionals. The range includes our award winning Tenax Absolute Return Strategies and UK Equity Growth funds. 

Origins in client portfolios

Our funds were designed to meet specific investor objectives

Full transparency

Investors have full visibility over where their money is invested

Valuation focused

Equity investing is centred on identifying pricing opportunities

Risk control

Proven disciplines are in place to manage volatility

Choice of investment options

Open to direct investors, discretionary managed clients and investment professionals

Range of resources

Regulatory documents, marketing materials and factsheets

UK Stewardship Code

Church House has been included in the Financial Reporting Council’s list of successful signatories to the UK Stewardship Code, which sets high stewardship standards for those investing money on behalf of UK savers and pensioners, and those that support them. At Church House, we have always considered that investing in companies with properly sustainable practices, business models and run by people with integrity as an integral part of what we do.

While the focus of the Code, when first published in 2010, was on improving the quality and quantity of engagement between investors and companies, the updated 2020 code has gone further, to also target the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance matters into the investment approach and decision-making process. We believe the importance of sustainability has never been more prominent and while we have always considered that investing in companies with sustainable business practices and run by people with integrity as central to our approach, we are happy to have been formally embedding this in our equity, fixed income and multi-asset class funds.

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Wide platform coverage

To make it easy for you to trade in our funds we have made them available on a broad range of retail and institutional platforms. In addition, they are also listed on the key fund exchanges.

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The Fund Managers

Our funds are operated by a team of experts

The majority of our managers have been presiding over their funds for many years, in some cases 20 years. Their efforts are complimented by analysts and oversight is provided in the form of an Investment Commitee.

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Contact us

To discuss your requirements, or to find out more about our funds and services, please contact us:

Sam Liddle Sales Director

Intermediary Sales

  • 07887 520621

Matthew Goodsir Business Development Manager

Intermediary Sales

  • 020 7534 9877