Interview with Rob Hunter

Rob answers some quick-fire questions on his experience since joining Church House in July 2022.

What are the main differences you have noticed since joining Church House?

I won't lie and say everything has been easy, but being equally honest, I am thrilled with my decision to move. The biggest thing I have noticed will come as no surprise to anyone: working in a non–bulge bracket company is very different. 
What stands out most to me is culture. Church House is majority-owned by the Directors; therefore, they are free to steer the business however they think best. It did not take long to confirm my perception that they focus on what is right for their clients, knowing business success will follow naturally. It might seem simple, but it is equally powerful, and it is a contrast to what can happen when external shareholders or private equity investors drive firms. 
A downside from the perspective of a client manager can be brand recognition. Larger firms are more readily recognised and have the deep pockets necessary to maintain that position in the market. Having said that, Church House has a very strong reputation within the industry and among individuals, too. 

Not being mass-market, CH is not necessarily a household name. In the early days, I had a couple of clients question the merits of Church House, at the heart of which was a lack of awareness of the company. It did require them to put even greater trust in me, but what has happened since gives me great optimism for the future. They have benefited from a combination of greater flexibility, a highly experienced investment team, and a genuinely personal level of service. 
Finally, I would say people. Working in a dedicated bespoke portfolio team is both refreshing and rewarding. I have been able to get to know everyone really well and hopefully have been able to add value.  

What are the differences your clients may have noticed?

The first thing they would say is that it feels more personal, whether that's communications, getting answers to queries, or just the investment portfolios themselves. Wherever possible, the service and solutions are based on the specific needs of that individual or family. 
The next thing is likely to be transparency. They appreciate that the investment team are open about how their money is invested, and regular updates mean they can feel close to what's happening. 

What are the main issues surrounding the transfer of an old client to a new firm?

I have encountered one or two issues regarding transfers, but nothing I did not anticipate. The main thing is that the experienced CH Client Services team handle the whole process seamlessly. All the transferring client has to do is simply sign one letter of authority (which typically we draft for them), and then all the rest is taken care of.  Delays can occur, but the CH team is very adept at cajoling dilatory back offices at ceding managers. The key is communication, letting clients know what is going on and, most importantly, making sure income payments are not missed during a transfer process, if applicable. 
Despite that, clients recognise that it is a short-term pain with potential long-term gain. The reward for patience is access to intelligent investing and premium service. Thankfully, Church House supports both options, and they have a process designed to make it as painless as possible, with regular communication being key.

How can someone interested in CH services best get hold of you to find out more?  

Thankfully, that's very easy. Directly, I can be reached by phone on 07811 880409 or email at, or alternatively, they can leave a message with our Client Service team in Dorset at 01935 382620 or via email at

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James Johnsen Director

Joined Church House in 2003 following a career in the military which was followed by time with Merrill Lynch and an international private bank. 

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