
The Tenax Fund is a long-only, multi-asset fund that aims for positive returns in excess of cash + fees over rolling 12-month periods at a low level of volatility. Launched in November 2007 it was initially designed as a client portfolio for an investor whose priority was to protect the value of their capital.

Rayner Spencer Mills Research has produced a comprehensive independent assessment of the Fund.

Latest Fund Factsheet

Long-term track record

Tenax has a ten year plus performance history

Straightforward approach

Targets returns greater than cash over rolling 12-month periods

Volatility dampener

Low volatility makes it an ideal defensive holding


Genuine multi-asset fund that delivers diversification

Easy access

Available across wide range of platforms

Platform coverage

Independent validation

Series of industry ratings and awards

View our awards and testimonials

How to invest


Financial Advisers, wealth managers and other professionals will find our funds listed on a wide range of retail platforms and they also appear on the main fund trading exchanges. A full list of the platforms we support is available using the link below.

Direct Investors

We also have arrangements in place for individuals who want to invest directly without either our wealth planning or portfolio management services. For more information including full instructions, please use the link below.

Platforms and direct investing

Contact us

To discuss your requirements, or to find out more about our funds and services, please contact us:

Sam Liddle Sales Director

Intermediary Sales

  • 07887 520621

Matthew Goodsir Business Development Manager

Intermediary Sales

  • 020 7534 9877